Following the launch of DPPD, we heard back from many of you with positive remarks about the need for this service.  We also heard one prevailing inquiry - -

“Can you tell me more about coaching?"

We were anticipating this question because:

  • Many international workers have never used coaching;
  • Coaching (outside of organizational structures) may stigmatize people as "weak" or “needing help”;
  • Most international workers live in “overdrive” – just to keep pace with their work and life demands – there is NO TIME;
  • International workers wait until their organization “rewards” them with development opportunities (i.e. training, coaching and leadership).
  • Can you relate? 

So in this flash info, you will find information[1] on the following:

  • What is coaching?
  • How does coaching relate to mentoring, counseling, consulting and training? 
  • Coaching issues
  • Results of working with a coach
  • Value of coaching investment

[1] ALL data is from studies conducted by the International Coaching Federation and Metrix Global

What is Coaching?

  • Collaborative, personalized and confidential partnership between coach and client; 
  • Requires critical reflection, self-directed learning, authenticity, honest dialogue and questioning; 
  •  Primary goal is creating positive directed change to achieve personal and professional excellence;
  • Emphasizes what is possible, goals are set, and important questions are raised which lead to taking steps (action) towards the desired goal(s);

How does Coaching relate to Mentoring, Counseling, Consu?lting and Training?

To get a flavor of the different presence brought by coaches and counselors, the following metaphor will help:  The counselor  focuses on "working by sitting down". By contrast the coach's role is more active and focuses on "working by standing up".

- Ed Nevis 'Organisational Consulting - A Gestalt Approach'

A Consultant is trained to analyze and advise you in order to help you make the best possible choices.

A Trainer  is targeting a specific behavior that you need to accomplish a specific task to assure that you learn to perform certain skills or procedures 

The Mentor is an influential senior sponsor who shares her/his knowledge and expertise with you to guide and support you.


A Counselor is trained to work at a deep level and to facilitate in-depth exploration of aspects of your life, may delve into your past history and key family and non-family relationships, in order to resolve potentially painful problematic behaviors, thoughts and emotional reactions.

A Coach is trained to be action-focused and to achieve fast paced results.  She/he focuses on your goals, results and works with you to create positive directed change so you can achieve personal and professional excellence and resonance.

BOTTOM LINE:  There is overlap between these disciplines - and it is simplistic and inaccurate to polarize the roles and respective tools.  Coaching is unique and incorporates tools from consulting, training and mentoring.  


Coaching issues

A person works with a coach for professional and personal issues  at key moments in her/his life and career.

Clients, who could select as many choices as were applicable, said they work with a coach on the following issues:

•  Prioritization and time management: 80.5%

•  Career: 74.3%

•  Relationships/Family: 58.6%

•  Physical/Wellness: 51.9%

•  Personal: 45.2%

•  Goal-setting: 39.5%

•  Financial: 38.1%

•  Creativity: 11.0%

Results of working with a coach

The outcomes that clients most often attribute to their coaching are a higher level of self-awareness and self-confidence, a more balanced life, smarter goal-setting and lower stress levels.

Clients reported experiencing the following outcomes as a result of working with a coach:

•  Self-awareness: 67.6%

•  Setting better goals: 62.4%

•  More balanced life: 60.5%

•  Lower stress levels: 57.1%

•  Self-discovery: 52.9%

•  Self-confidence: 52.4%

•  Improvement in quality of life: 43.3%

•  Enhanced communication skills: 39.5%

•  Project completion: 35.7%

•  Health or fitness improvement: 33.8%

•  Better relationship w/ boss, co-workers: 33.3%

•  Better family relationship(s): 33.3%

•  Increased energy: 31.9%

•  More fun: 31.9%

•  More income: 25.7%

•  Stopped a bad habit: 25.7%

•  Change in career: 24.3%

•  More free time: 22.9%

•  Empowered employees: 11.0%

•  Project turn around: 09.0%


Closing Thought & Inquiry 

The international workspace values toughness and self-reliance, to some extent rightly so.  But this is not a sufficient condition for success and growth, personally and professionally. 

So if toughness and self-reliance are part of the recipe but not quite enough...what else is needed to ensure your own personal and professional success and growth?  


If today, you could work with a coach on any issue that is really on your mind – what would it be? 

