I never enjoyed being a part of a “bad” team with negative vibes. Rather, I always thrived when I was part of great teams.  And you?

One elephant in the international workspace:  the lack of effective teamwork hampers humanitarian and development efforts.

The second elephant in the same room:  all of us play victims to this reality because we think there is nothing we can do about it!


·  There is no time to think about team dynamics in the international workspace because individuals focus on their own professional tasks and progression;

·  Team dynamics feel so slippery – where do you start and how can a manager get a handle on what is happening in the team when there is so much work?

·  Interagency politics – as more and more teams are comprised of interagency players – there is very little we can do to manage that “amorphous” interagency team concept;

·  Investing in teams does not feel worth it because of the innate instability due to rotation of staff and the constant influx of temporary staff and consultants.

The reality is that everybody is dancing around the “productive and effective teamwork” issue, afraid to touch it.

Whether we are working in humanitarian operations or development programmes, team underperformance affects thousands, potentially millions of people.  Hence my call for all of us to be continuously cognizant of teamwork and do something about it.

Research shows that most teams underperform.  In initial data sample of 200 teams, less than 10% scored themselves as high performing—which leaves 90% of the teams in organizations not reaching their potential.

DPPD – Dialogue for Personal and Professional Development – introduces a proven Team Development solution to the international workspace that can answer the question:

“How is the team doing and what does the team need to do to improve?”

The results-focused solution consists of a proven and reliable Team Diagnostic Assessment[i] (TDA), followed by a structured, sustained, and measurable team development process. 

The TDA measures:

1.  Productivity factors necessary for teams to be productive and effective; and

2.  Positivity factors which impacts the ability of the team to produce results (Culture and interrelationships of team members).

Immediately following the assessment, DPPD intensively partners with the team to improve the working capacity of the team to deliver results.

This is real and concrete “Results Based” Management.

So, if you are ready to have your teams work better, more productively, and in a better frame of mind, contact DPPD to find out more. http://dppd-international.com/en/contact/

[i] Graphics and text descriptions of the Team Diagnostic™ model and method © 2011

Team Coaching International, used with permission.”


