Do you feel too emotional? Like you are the ONLY person who works in international aid that actually feels anything! Well then, I write this to you.
I am doing research on the painful/difficult emotional experiences of men and women working in international aid.
I am conducting ½ hour interviews (completely and totally confidential) with ten international aid workers to find out more about what has been emotionally difficult/painful and/or traumatic.
As a “thank you” for your time, I will offer you a complimentary ½ hour coaching session.
Speak up! Speak up, I am listening. By doing so you will be helping other aid workers as well.
There are only a few spots left, contact me by email if you are interested to participate. Put in email subject line "EMOTIONS"
Thanks for forwarding this message to other aid workers that might be interested to speak with me.
Sincerely, and with warmth
my email: